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Are you ready to expand your understanding of yoga and embrace its transformative power? Join us for our captivating series of free lectures designed to enrich your yogic journey with Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Meditation and Ayurveda.  Our comprehensive lectures cover a wide range of topics, from ancient yogic wisdom to the latest scientific discoveries. Gain a thorough understanding of the principles that underpin our practice and discover the profound impact they can have on your well-being.

Conferencias gratuitas & Orientaciones

Makarasana - Orientación gratuita 

Esta postura de yoga suave y reparadora consiste en acostarse boca abajo con la cabeza apoyada sobre los brazos cruzados, imitando la postura de un cocodrilo flotando en el agua. Al practicar esta postura, puede experimentar un mayor bienestar físico y mental. La incorporación regular de Makarasana en su rutina diaria fomenta una sensación de calma, equilibrio y vitalidad, lo que contribuye a la salud y el bienestar en general. Te invitamos a explorar los efectos transformadores de Makarasana enviando tu Orientación gratuita.

Experience Tranquility and Balance with Makarasana: Submit for Free Guidance  Indulge in the serenity of Makarasana, a gentle and restorative yoga posture that offers a myriad of benefits for your physical and mental well-being. By lying on your stomach with your head resting on folded arms, you mimic the graceful posture of a crocodile floating in water.  Incorporating Makarasana into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall health and wellness. This soothing posture promotes a sense of calm, balance, and vitality, helping you navigate the stresses of daily life with ease. By dedicating regular practice to Makarasana, you can cultivate a deep sense of tranquility that resonates throughout your entire being.  Discover the transformative effects of Makarasana by submitting for our free guidance. Our experts will provide personalized insights and recommendations to help you maximize the benefits of this rejuvenating practice.

  28 minutos

Respiración Digestiva - Secuencia Libre

Enhance Digestion with Digestive Breathing: Submit for the Full Free Sequence  Discover the power of Digestive Breathing, a simple yet effective method that utilizes the breath to support the natural digestion process. By incorporating this technique into your practice, you can enhance the peristaltic movement, which promotes optimal colon function. Additionally, Digestive Breathing helps shift energy within the body, optimizing the performance of various organs.  Not only does Digestive Breathing serve as a valuable complementary practice to Pranayama, but it also helps you cultivate a healthy diaphragmatic breathing pattern. By training the main breathing muscle, you can increase your oxygen intake with each breath, leading to a decline in your breathing rate over time. This has a beneficial impact on your overall well-being and supports the optimal functioning of your entire system.

La respiración digestiva es un método simple que utiliza la respiración para apoyar el proceso de digestión natural. Mejora el movimiento peristáltico (movimiento del colon) y cambia la energía de un lado al otro para mejorar la función de los diferentes órganos. Es un muy buen entrenamiento de acompañamiento para Pranayama y te ayuda a desarrollar una respiración diafragmática sana. El músculo respiratorio principal se entrena para que pueda tomar más oxígeno con una respiración y su frecuencia respiratoria disminuirá con el tiempo, lo que tiene un efecto beneficioso general en todo su sistema. Puede enviar la secuencia gratuita completa

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  5 minutos

Yoga Nidra - Orientación gratuita

Yoga Nidra, también conocido como "sueño yóguico", es una práctica poderosa que ofrece numerosos beneficios para la salud de las personas. Esta técnica de meditación guiada induce a un profundo estado de relajación y promueve el bienestar general. Al moverse sistemáticamente a través de diferentes etapas de conciencia, Yoga Nidra facilita la curación física, mental y emocional. Ayuda a reducir el estrés, la ansiedad y el insomnio mientras mejora la calidad del sueño. La práctica también mejora el enfoque, la concentración y la creatividad. Además, Yoga Nidra apoya la función inmunológica, regula la presión arterial y promueve una sensación de calma y equilibrio interior. Al participar regularmente en Yoga Nidra, las personas pueden experimentar un profundo rejuvenecimiento, una transformación interna y una mejor salud en general.

Experience Deep Relaxation and Inner Transformation with Yoga Nidra  Discover the transformative power of Yoga Nidra, a profound practice often referred to as "yogic sleep." This guided meditation technique holds the key to unlocking numerous health benefits and promoting overall well-being. By systematically navigating through different stages of consciousness, Yoga Nidra facilitates physical, mental, and emotional healing.  Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of Yoga Nidra and experience a deep state of relaxation. As stress and anxiety melt away, this practice enhances sleep quality and alleviates insomnia. Feel the rejuvenating effects as your mind finds tranquility and your body enters a state of profound rest.  Embrace the journey of inner exploration as Yoga Nidra improves focus, concentration, and creativity. Unlock your full potential by accessing heightened states of awareness and unlocking hidden reserves of inspiration. The practice also supports immune function..

      1 hora


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